Monday, October 8, 2012

Homeroom D/F Reporting

Teachers have been given rights to the Activities Page on Infinite Campus so the information listed below should work.  However, I would ask that you log out and then log back into IC before you try this on 10/9/12

Here is a screen cast of how to run a report out of Infinite Campus on your homeroom students to determine if they have grades of D or F and therefore need to be assigned to an intervention period.  This will generate a report for each grade level homeroom which you can use to help to sign up students during intervention period.  

Directions are as follows:

Log into Infinite Campus
Click on Student information 
Click on reports
Click on activity eligibility

Once you get to this report, you need to make sure the following items are included in the report:

All Students
Leave effective enrollment date as of today. 
Check S1.
Highlight the grade level homeroom . 
Radio Button - In Progress Grade
Radio Button - Sort by Student

Task - Final Grade (The 3rd from the top)
Grading Scores - I unchecked the box that says all scores, scrolled WAY down and checked the D's and F.
Generate report.

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